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Plug-In Petrol Hybrid Hatchback Cars For Sale in NZ

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Used Car For Sale from New Zealand
2015 Audi A3 PHEV
Reduced by $1,000
49,985kms | Automatic | 1400cc | Plug-In Petrol Hybrid
$18,995 + ORC
Used Car For Sale from New Zealand
2014 Toyota Prius PHV PHEV
72,241kms | Automatic | 1797cc | Plug-In Petrol Hybrid
$14,990 + ORC
Used Car For Sale from New Zealand
2012 Toyota Prius PHV PHEV
119,416kms | Automatic | 1797cc | Plug-In Petrol Hybrid
$11,390 + ORC

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Hatchback Plug-In Petrol Hybrid Cars

Hatchback Plug-In Petrol Hybrid cars have been gaining popularity among New Zealand drivers due to their efficient and eco-friendly features. These vehicles combine an electric motor with a petrol engine to reduce emissions, improve fuel efficiency and provide smooth driving experience.

One of the key advantages of Plug-In Hybrid cars is that they offer greater flexibility compared to all-electric cars as they do not solely rely on battery power. They can be charged using a conventional wall socket or at public charging stations which are increasingly common in New Zealand. When fully charged, these vehicles can travel up to 50km on electric power alone, making them ideal for city driving where distances travelled tend to be shorter.

Plug-In Hybrid Hatchbacks offer exceptional fuel efficiency that provides more bang for your buck. These vehicles consume much less fuel than their non-hybrid counterparts while maintaining similar performance levels. As such, these vehicles appeal not only to those who care about the environment but also those looking for cost-effective options without compromising on style and functionality.

Another key benefit of Hatchback Plug-in Hybrid cars is that they emit less pollution compared to traditional combustion engines. This is because when travelling in all-electric mode, the vehicle releases zero emissions. When running on petrol, these hybrid models utilise innovative technology like start-stop systems which stop the engine during idling, thus reducing the amount of fuel burnt by approximately 10%.

Overall, if you’re looking for an environmentally friendly yet practical option in a car then a Hatchback Plug-In Petrol Hybrid may be worth considering as it offers good balance between style and function without breaking the bank in fuel costs. With increased accessibility to charging points throughout New Zealand cities, there's never been a better time to switch over!

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